Digital Productions
Outstanding Digital Production
“The Computer Pirates of Penzance Avenue,” Fresh Takes on Gilbert & Sullivan Ep. 3, American Berserk Theatre and Density512
“freshwater grass,” Manifest Minifest 2021, New Manifest Theatre Company
Lonely Planet, ACC Department of Drama
Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions (winner)
Outstanding Direction
Kaci Beeler, “The Computer Pirates of Penzance Avenue,” Fresh Takes on Gilbert & Sullivan Ep. 3, American Berserk Theatre and Density512
David R. Jarrott, Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions (winner)
Eliza Renner, “freshwater grass,” Manifest Minifest 2021, New Manifest Theatre Company
Jamie Rogers, Lonely Planet, ACC Department of Drama
Outstanding Lead Performer
Hollis L. Edwards III (Mike Hill), “Principal’s Office,” Manifest Minifest 2021, New Manifest Theatre Company
Scot Friedman (Jody), Lonely Planet, ACC Department of Drama
Jason Graf (Jerry Labinowicz), Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions (winner)
Bianca Ibarra (Electra), “freshwater grass,” Manifest Minifest 2021, New Manifest Theatre Company
Mykel Jewell (Pirate King), “The Computer Pirates of Penzance Avenue,” Fresh Takes on Gilbert & Sullivan Ep. 3, American Berserk Theatre and Density512 (winner)
Outstanding Featured Performer
Amanda Cooley Davis (Julie Westler), Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions
Sam Domino (Lonnie Johnson), Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions
Natalie D. Garcia (Dr. Dolly Henson), Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions
Roy Janik (AARP*rate, Office Manager), “The Computer Pirates of Penzance Avenue,” Fresh Takes on Gilbert & Sullivan Ep. 3, American Berserk Theatre and Density512
Charissa Memrick (Aunt Ruth), “The Computer Pirates of Penzance Avenue,” Fresh Takes on Gilbert & Sullivan Ep. 3, American Berserk Theatre and Density512 (winner)
Mike Ooi (Officer Robert Douglas), Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions
Amber Quick (Abby Pollock), Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions (winner)
Roderick Sanford (Det. James Roscoe), Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions
Theatre for Young Audiences
Outstanding Production
Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin
Rap Unzel, VORTEX Repertory Company & Brown Boy Productions (winner)
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Outstanding Direction
J. Quinton Johnson, Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin
Allen Robertson, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre (winner)
Indiia Wilmott, Rap Unzel, VORTEX Repertory Company & Brown Boy Productions
Outstanding Performer
Guy Forsyth (Vincent Van Gogh, Museum Guide), Sunflower: The Musical, Austin Scottish Rite Theater
Nathan Jerkins (Mr. Hatch), Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Wesley Johnson (Reginald “Rap” Unzel III), Rap Unzel, VORTEX Repertory Company & Brown Boy Productions
Oktavea LaToi (Kenzee), Rap Unzel, VORTEX Repertory Company & Brown Boy Productions
Morgan Lewis (Queen of Hearts), Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Chelsea Manasseri (Maij Unzel), Rap Unzel, VORTEX Repertory Company & Brown Boy Productions
Maleyah Nowell (Alice), Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin
Amber Quick (Ms. Todd), Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Paul Sanchez (Mr. Smith), Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Noah Wood (Mad Hatter), Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Improvisational Theatre
Outstanding Production
American Brass, Hideout Theatre
The Emma Dilemma, ColdTowne Theater
The Sound of Made-Up Music, Hideout Theatre
Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories (winner)
Outstanding Direction
Kate Meehan, Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories (winner)
Mallory Schlossberg,The Sound of Made-Up Music, Hideout Theatre
Nathan Sowell, The Emma Dilemma, ColdTowne Theater (winner)
Jessica von Schramm and Lahari Dunn, American Brass, Hideout Theatre
Outstanding Cast
American Brass, Hideout Theatre
The Emma Dilemma, ColdTowne Theater
The Sound of Made-Up Music, Hideout Theatre (winner)
Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
Outstanding Production
Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre (winner)
Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Judith, Hyde Park Theatre
Straitjacket: Variations on a Theme of Horror, VORTEX Repertory Company
A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Outstanding Direction
Madge Darlington, Judith, Hyde Park Theatre
Carl Gonzales, Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre (winner)
Sadé M. Jones, Rachel Long and the ensemble, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Marcus McQuirter, A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Charles P. Stites, Straitjacket: Variations on a Theme of Horror, VORTEX Repertory Company
Outstanding Lead Performance
Mahagany Adair (Elyse), The Tasters, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
Kareem Badr (Antonio Salieri), Amadeus, Penfold Theatre Company
Macy Butler (Emily), Running Bear, Hyde Park Theatre
Abby Ferree (Sam), A League of Her Own, Bottle Alley Theatre Company & Just Friends
Taylor Flanagan (everyone), Judith, Hyde Park Theatre (winner)
Melody Fullylove (Dotty), Dot, Ground Floor Theatre
Madison Palomo (Ria), Lifted, Filigree Theatre
Marc Pouhé (Orson Welles), A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Charles P. Stites (everyone), Straitjacket: Variations on a Theme of Horror, VORTEX Repertory Company (winner)
Mical Trejo (Lucas), Running Bear, Hyde Park Theatre
Ben Wolfe (Nathan Wolfe), The Catastrophist, Austin Playhouse
Outstanding Featured Performance
Yunina Barbour-Payne (Edna Thomas), A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Ben G. Bazán (Juan Julian), Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre (winner)
Jeremy Canales (Fidel), Dot, Ground Floor Theatre
Zac Carr (Officer Wrigley), A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Karina Dominguez (Constanze Weber), Amadeus, Penfold Theatre Company
Michael Galvan (Palomo, Eliades), Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre
Tonie Knight (Ofelia), Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre (winner)
Oktavea LaToi (Averie), Dot, Ground Floor Theatre
Patti A. Neff-Tiven (Jackie), Dot, Ground Floor Theatre
Victor Santos (Cheché), Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre
Musical Theatre
Outstanding Production
In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Newsies: The Musical, Zilker Theatre Productions
Outstanding Direction
Michael Ávila and Ginger Morris, In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Joey Banks, Newsies: The Musical, Zilker Theatre Productions
Michael Cooper, Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Rebecca Herman, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Dave Steakley, Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Outstanding Lead Performer
Liz Cass (Dinah LeFarge), Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Sarah Marie Curry (Mabel Normand), Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Mykkaela Garcia (Isabel), Isabel and the Runaway Train, Reimagine Normal
Olivia Clari Nice (Baker’s Wife), Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Buddy Novak (Hedwig, Tommy Gnosis), Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Stage Austin (winner)
Amber Quick (Rachel), Unexpected Joy, Ground Floor Theatre
Paul Sanchez (Baker), Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Cathie Sheridan (Joy), Unexpected Joy, Ground Floor Theatre
Sebastián Vitale (Mack Sennett), Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Jordan Williams (Usnavi De La Vega), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Outstanding Featured Performer
Amber Arevalo (Nina Rosario), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Erica Cortina (Daniela), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Susannah Crowell (Yitzhak), Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Stage Austin (winner)
Dan Dalbout (“Two Gun” Dick Herwig), Boomtown, Texas Comedies
Allegra Jade Fox (Ugly Selfie Girl), Selfie! The Musical, ethos & VORTEX Repertory Company
Alexa Holland (Mother Abbess, Baroness Elberfeld, guitar), The Sound of Music, ZACH Theatre
JP Lopez (Piragüero), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Brandon Lozano (Kevin Rosario), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Ethan Rogers (Wolf, Cinderella’s Prince), Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Paola Sordo (Carla), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Noah Wood (Benny), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Outstanding Production
Heartbreak House, Different Stages
The Lifespan of a Fact, Jarrott Productions
Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts
Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company (winner)
Outstanding Direction
Florinda Bryant, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company (winner)
Will Douglas, Heartbreak House, Different Stages
David R. Jarrott, The Lifespan of a Fact, Jarrott Productions
A. Skola Summers, Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts
Melissa Vogt, The Thanksgiving Play, Different Stages
Outstanding Lead Performer
Amani Alexander (Octavia), BLKS, New Manifest Theatre Company & Salvage Vanguard Theater
Will Gibson Douglas (Jim Fingal), The Lifespan of a Fact, Jarrott Productions
Nate Dunaway (H.I. Jones), Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Carlo Lorenzo Garcia (John D’Agata), The Lifespan of a Fact, Jarrott Productions
Carlo Lorenzo Garcia (Charlie), Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts
Natalie D. Garcia (Dee), Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts (winner)
Greg Ginther (Caden), The Thanksgiving Play, Different Stages
Kelsey Mazak (Ellie Dunn), Heartbreak House, Different Stages
Kate Meehan (R.B. Figg, Tinker), Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Valoneecia Tolbert (everyone), Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company (winner)
Outstanding Featured Performer
Kevin Anderson (Captain Mike), Wonder of the World, City Theatre and Beyond August Productions (winner)
Jacqui Calloway (June), BLKS, New Manifest Theatre Company & Salvage Vanguard Theater (winner)
Robyn Conner (Lois), Wonder of the World, City Theatre and Beyond August Productions
Shannon Embry (Barbara, Pilot, Waitresses, and Janie), Wonder of the World, City Theatre and Beyond August Productions
Gerardo Garcia (Borachio), Much Ado About Nothing, Cold Frame Collective (winner)
Nola Lafayette (Turnatrix Rowling), Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Jacquelyn Lies (Bottom), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Baron’s Men
Tobie Minor (John Goodman), Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Beau Paul (Boss Mangan), Heartbreak House, Different Stages
Adam Rodriguez (Hagrid, etc.), Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Jamie Rogers (Hector Hushabye), Heartbreak House, Different Stages
Ben Wolfe (Malvolio), Bollywood Twelfth Night, Austin Shakespeare (winner)
Performances and Composition
Original Script
Katie Bender, Judith, Hyde Park Theatre (winner)
Terry Galloway, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Carlo Lorenzo Garcia, Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts
Jarrett King, A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Rachel Long, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Allen Robertson, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Charles P. Stites, Straitjacket: Variations on a Theme of Horror, VORTEX Repertory Company
Valoneecia Tolbert, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company
Florinda Bryant, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company (winner)
Nola Lafayette, Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
R.J. Munguia, The Tasters, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
Anna Westbrook, Isabel and the Runaway Train, Reimagine Normal
Music Direction
Audrey Barrett, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Stage Austin
J. Quinton Johnson, In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Adam Roberts, Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Allen Robertson, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Peter Stopschinski, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Original Score
Rembert Block, Selfie! The Musical, ethos & VORTEX Repertory Company
Erik Flores, Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre
Allen Robertson, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre (winner)
Oliver Steck, Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Peter Stopschinski, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Featured Music Performance
Clara Brill and Nick Gregg, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Erik Flores, Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre
Miranda Marquez, Amadeus, Penfold Theatre Company (winner)
Oliver Steck, Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Movement Performance
Cast, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Dance Ensemble, In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Newsies, Newsies: The Musical, Zilker Theatre Productions (winner)
Charles P. Stites, Straitjacket: Variations on a Theme of Horror, VORTEX Repertory Company
Valoneecia Tolbert, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company
Wonderlanders, Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin
Natalie Blackman and Sarah Fleming Walker (Venticelli 1 & 2), Amadeus, Penfold Theatre Company (winner)
Nicole Taylor, Page Stephens, Holt Skinner (Chorus), Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Ali Meier, Stephanie Slayton, Eli Mendenhall and Lucia McMahon (Bathing Beauties), Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Jacquelyn Lies, Robert Deike, Gene Storie, Logan Smith and Aaron Niemuth (Mechanicals), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Baron’s Men
Keyshaan Castle, Isaac Arrieta, Caden Couchman, Caroline Davis, Marlena Hoffman, Joelle Sellers, Veronica Merrick, Daniel Winkler (Newsies), Newsies: the Musical, Zilker Theatre Productions
Young Performer
Lucky Cantu (Writer), Isabel and the Runaway Train, Reimagine Normal
Lucky Cantu (Amalie), Sunflower: The Musical, Austin Scottish Rite Theater (winner)
Stella Frye Ginsber (Melanie Todd), Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Lila Gonzalez (Melanie Todd), Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Michelle Ko (Cat), Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin
Esmeralda Navarro Garcia (Vanessa), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Lily Steinhauser (Nori), Sunflower: The Musical, Austin Scottish Rite Theater
Juliet Todoroff (Gretl), The Sound of Music, ZACH Theatre
Andrew Tran (Crutchie), Newsies: The Musical, Zilker Theatre Productions
Chloe Van De Graaf (Melanie Todd), Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Tori Ybarra (Abuela Claudia), In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Small Cast
Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Running Bear, Hyde Park Theatre
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, ZACH Theatre
Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts (winner)
The Tasters, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
Large Cast
Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company (winner)
Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater (winner)
kin • song: ode to disability ancestors, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
The Thanksgiving Play, Different Stages
Fight Choreography
Dane Parker, A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Tobie Minor, Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice (winner)
Tobie Minor, Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
Tobie Minor, The Tasters, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
Movement Design
Corey Allen, Sonnets for an Old Century, UT Department of Theatre and Dance (winner)
Tobie Minor, Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Molly Roy, Love and Information, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
Charles P. Stites, Straitjacket: Variations on a Theme of Horror, VORTEX Repertory Company
Dance Choreography
Richard Cerato, Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Sadé M. Jones, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Matt Kennedy and Khali Sykes, Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin
Matt Kennedy and Leonela Hernandez, In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin (winner)
Chris Shin, Newsies: The Musical, Zilker Theatre Productions
Valoneecia Tolbert and Kellee “Broadway” Fuller, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company
Carlos Charles and K. Eliot Haynes, Lonely Planet, ACC Department of Drama
Carlo Lorenzo Garcia, Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions
Alexis Riley and Ali Pappa, kin • song: ode to disability ancestors, UT Department of Theatre and Dance (winner)
Jacob Schnitzer, “The Computer Pirates of Penzance Avenue,” Fresh Takes on Gilbert & Sullivan Ep. 3, American Berserk Theatre and Density512
Set Design
Maggie Armendariz, Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre (winner)
Ia Ensterä, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Carlo Lorenzo Garcia, Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts
Theada Haining, In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Katie Hamilton, Dow Zabolio, Frederick Demps, Caren Sausmikat and Alex Cogburn, Peckin the Crown, Bottle Alley Theatre Company & VORTEX Repertory Company
Lisa Laratta, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Mark Pickell, Running Bear, Hyde Park Theatre
Tomas Salas, A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company
Lighting Design
Rachel Atkinson, Alice’s Wonderland, Summer Stock Austin
Austin Brown, Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Sadie Langenkamp, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Amy Lewis, A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company (winner)
J Mwaki, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company
Kendra Wiley, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Costume Design
Teresa Carson, In the Heights, Summer Stock Austin
Aaron Flynn, Amadeus, Penfold Theatre Company
Desireé Humphries, Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre (winner)
Kate Meehan, Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
Stephanie Slayton, Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Ginger Snaps, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Sound Design
Clara Brill and Nick Gregg, with Walter Long, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Craig Brock, Pet Dick, Jarrott Productions
Robert S. Fisher, Running Bear, Hyde Park Theatre
Joshua Hanson, Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts
Marc Majcher and Atlas Cage, Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
Buzz Moran, A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theatre Company (winner)
Johann Solo, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company
Media Design
Jackson Cobb, Sonnets for an Old Century, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
John Erickson, Love and Information, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
Katherine Beardsley, Sunflower: The Musical, Austin Scottish Rite Theater
Darren Scharf and Joe Green, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Stage Austin
Christopher Shea, Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Johann Solo, Tales of a Blerd Ballerina, VORTEX Repertory Company (winner)
Properties Design
Ia Ensterä, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
CB Goodman, Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre (winner)
Tatiana Jitkoff, Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
Joe Kelley, A War of the Worlds, Penfold Theater Company
Kate Meehan, Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
A. Skola Summers and Carlo Lorenzo Garcia, Strange, But Perfect, Street Corner Arts
Hair and Makeup Design
Buddy Novak, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Stage Austin (winner)
Stephanie Slayton, Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Ginger Snaps, Lardo Weeping, Local Opera Local Artists
Laura Tresize and Lindsay M. Palinsky, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Baron’s Men
Stage Management
Val Johnson, Bright Mother: An Invitation to Being, Salvage Vanguard Theater
Remy Joslin, Kelsey Moringy, Kellee Broadway and Astrid Rangel, Anna in the Tropics, Ground Floor Theatre
Sharky Meehan, Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
Lauren Mural, Love and Information, UT Department of Theatre and Dance
Aly Redland, Newsies: The Musical, Zilker Theatre Productions (winner)
Catherine Anne Tucker and Shannon Richey, Into the Woods, ZACH Theatre
Wig Design
Mary Fletcher, Rap Unzel, VORTEX Repertory Company and Brown Boy Productions (winner)
Serret Jensen, Dot, Ground Floor Theatre
Serret Jensen and Buddy Novak, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Stage Austin
Kate Meehan and Nola Lafayette, Raising Harry Potter, La Fenice
Lindsay M. Palinsky, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Baron’s Men
Stephanie Slayton, Mack & Mabel, Alchemy Theatre
Special Certificates
Audience Experience: Speak No More: Golden Age, La Fenice and Golden: Silent Improvised Stories
Integration of Technology: A League of Her Own, Bottle Alley Theatre
Steven Fay Award for Community Service: Don Toner